“Family-friendly company” award for Waelzholz | Careers

After initially receiving the award in 2021, Waelzholz has now once again received the “family-friendly company” award, which is valid for three years. Waelzholz received the certification for its numerous health promoting benefits and for offering the ability to work as a manager part-time. / more

When passion meets opportunity: a mechanical engineer’s path to success at Waelzholz | Careers

By systematically fostering junior staff, Waelzholz is creating outstanding career opportunities – mechanical engineer Karoline Piotrowski’s success story is a prime example. / more

The best trainee in the country | Careers

In December 2019, Arne Bischoff, process mechanic at Waelzholz, was honored by the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) for achieving the best grade in the country in his training program’s final exam. / more

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