Efficient electric vehicles with thin electrical steel strip grades | Industries & applications

Waelzholz’s extremely thin NO 20 – NO 30 electrical steel strip grades are the ideal material to use in electric motors. / more

The variety of Waelzholz high-strength materials | Steel materials

Waelzholz materials from the “high-strength” category offer tremendous potential for various applications thanks to their wide-ranging properties. / more

SORBITEX®: Our spring steel strip with great potential | Steel materials

In this interview, materials technology expert Dr. Michael Hellmann reports on the production, properties, and potential of Waelzholz’s special material SORBITEX®. / more

Quality assurance for flat wire and profiles | Steel materials

In this interview, Matthias Schmitt from materials technology explains the in-house testing and measuring methods that Waelzholz uses to assure the quality of its flat wire products and profiles during the production process. / more

Expertise in the production of flat wire and profiles | Steel materials

In this interview, sales expert Daniel Kemper explains how Waelzholz produces customized flat wire products and profiles with a wide range of grades and innovative ideas. / more

The best trainee in the country | Careers

In December 2019, Arne Bischoff, process mechanic at Waelzholz, was honored by the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) for achieving the best grade in the country in his training program’s final exam. / more

Production at chinese location doubled | Corporate & markets

Waelzholz New Material is currently expanding its facility in China and adding new state-of-the-art production lines and testing technology to increase production capacities for a wide range of cold rolled steel strip products. / more

Application-oriented implementation of cutting-edge steel materials | Engineering

Dr. Michael Hellmann from Waelzholz’s Materials Technology department gives an insight in the development of steel materials with properties specifically tailored to both the end application and the customer’s manufacturing processes. / more

Dr. Junius at the 37. German-Brazilian Business Days | Corporate & markets

In September 2019, Waelzholz CEO Dr.-Ing. Hans-Toni Junius participated in the German-Brazilian Business Days, arguably the most important platform for political and economic dialogue between the two countries. / more

Charity bicycle tour “Tour der Hoffnung” makes a stop at Waelzholz | Corporate & markets

The last stage of this year’s charity bicycle tour began on August 17, 2019, in Waelzholz’s production hall in Hagen, Germany. / more

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